Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Girls....Ladies night!!

So I had a few girlfriends over last night. Why is it I wanna say girls night when we are all grown adults so it should be ladies night? Right?!?

Anyway, that's not really the point is it? Haha

Most of us use to work together at a daycare so we were together all the time! Then some of us got other jobs, and we still saw each other just not as often. Then we became "adults" we weren't in college anymore! It was time for the real world and REAL jobs(dare I say it). Some of them still work at the daycare, and believe me that is a real job...100 screaming kids all day!

Anyway the point of this post is that when the Hubs and I were ready to tell close friends we were expecting I messaged all the girls on Facebook that I thought we should all get together for dinner. Everyone was down because it had probably been over a month since we had all been together.  

So we met at Tijuana Flats for Taco Tuesday(cheap and delicious!) Once we had all sat down with our food my friend Val said " So Sara why did you call us all together...are you pregnant?" I calmly answered " Actually Yes" well no one believed me and they just kept talking. I looked at my friend Allie because she was the only one that already knew my secret. Then, a little more loudly I said " No really I'm pregnant!!!" Everyone just stopped and looked at me for a second. Then Courtney decided she needed to scream so loud that the whole restaurant turned and looked at us. She the preceded to get out of the booth and come sit on my lap still cracking up! It was a dinner I don't think any of us will ever forget!!

We now get together every month for dinner. It's always a great night where we talk about well just about anything! And if your a lady( I did it..I used lady) you know what that is ;-) What makes me wonder is why did it take me being pregnant for us to realize that we need this time once a month? We are all adults and should have realized it does our mind, soul, and....well I would say body but all the calories we ate last night probably wasn't good for the body :-)

My girls mean the world to me and I would be lost without them! They know who they are because not all of them were at dinner, but I know they will be amazing Aunts to little BB when it gets here!

I love all of you


P.S. I tried to get the pictures smalled but couldnt fugure it learning here :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Im so happy that we are all meeting up once a month to catch up and hang out! I miss hanging out like the 'good ol days'! I love u girls! Heres to great times always!!